Monday, April 18, 2011

Star Plot

Correlation Matrix
Similarity Matrix

Stem and Leaf Plot

Box Plot

A box plot can also be known as a box and whisker plot or diagram. It is an easy way to graphically depict groups of numerical data through their 5 number summaries. In this box plot we can see the upper quartile reads about 125, the median reads about 78, and the lower quartile reads about 30. These numbers are the annual snow depth of mathsville ski resort.

A histogram is a diagram consisting of individual bars who's area is proportional to the frequency of a variable and whose width is equal to the class interval.
This is a graph of a strike histogram. The strike histogram show the range and variability of slope strike within a grid model. This corresponds to the directions of ridges and valley's
http://www.rockware.com/rockworks/revisions/2005_q2.htmParallel Coordinate Graph

Parallel coordinate graphs show a series of values and show numerous amounts of data. These types of graphs show many types of variables and they are displayed each on their own individual axis. These axis' are all vertical and have the ability to connect all of the different variables across the entire graph.
Triangular Plot


A windrose is a tool used by meterologists to give a succinct view of how wind speed and direction are distributed in a particular area. This specific windrose is a distribution wind rose plot for air temperature. This type of wind rose allows you to view the distribution of a second variable in connection to wind direction. This windrose allows us to see that the strongest speed and direction is going toward the east and south east.

A climograph is a representation of climate parameters, this being mothly average temperature and precipitation. This climpgraph shows these averages of Boulder Colorado. The april showers brought the most precipitation in the months of april and may, then the heat of the summer raised the temperature to be highest in July and August. The precipitation being over 3 inches and the heat rising over 70 degrees.
http://www.colorado.edu/geography/extra/geogweb/bouldercreek-2/preview/page2.htmlFriday, April 15, 2011
Population Profile

Scatter Plot

Scatter plots are a great representation of how one variable effects another, the relationship between these two variables is called a correlation. We can see within this scatter plot that the variables being compared are the amount of income one makes compared to their years of experience in that field. Judging from this graph you can tell that the more years experience they have the higher their payment is.
http://allpsych.com/researchmethods/correlation.htmlWednesday, April 13, 2011
Index value plot

Accumulative Graph or Lorenz Curve

Bilateral Graph

A bilateral graph is one in which there are two variables being measured and graphed as well as where these two variables over lap. This graph shows adults who had implants put either into one ear (right or left) or both ears; and who was able to hear better e,6, and 8 months later. It is shown clearly in this graph that adults who had the implants put into both of their ears were hearing on much higher levels than those who only received one.
http://www.advancedbionics.com/cms/your-journey-to-hearing/bilateral-research.aspxNominal Area Choropleth Map

Unstandardized Choropleth Map

Unlike a standardized choropleth map in this unstandardized choropleth we can see it is not averaged by any sort of percentages or measurements. By this map we are able to see the total fertility rates of the entire world between the years of 2000 to 2005. Of all of the seven continents (six being shown) we are able to see that Africa is the most fertile of all.
http://www.eps.mq.edu.au/courses/GEOS219/choropleth.htmStandardized Choropleth Map

This standardized choropleth map shows the percent of the Canadian population under the age of 14 in the 2006 census. Standardized choropleth maps are areally averaged and just as this map they can be presented in many different ways. They allow comparison of distribution amoungst areas as well.
Univariate Choropleth Map

Monday, April 11, 2011
Bivariate Choropleth Map
Unclassed Choropleth Map

Classed Choropleth Map
Range Graded Proportional Circle Map
Continuously variable proportional circle map

Isopleth Map

An isopleth map is able to generalize and simplify data with a continuous distribution. This given map is of Mexico and it is using lines to show the connecting places of equal distribution of temperatures. This isopleth map is also showing political boundaries, major cities, the country's capital city, major rivers, and lakes.
Isopach Map

An isopach represents the variation of thickness within a tubular unit. This isopach map represents a picture of a gas field. It shows the thickness of the sandstone in which they go through in order to get to the oil. The hottest and thickest levels are in the center pink areas at 45 feet and thins out to 20 feet in the blue areas. http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Sciences/Earthscience/Geology/OilandGas/HydrocarbonExploration/GeologicMaps/GeologicMaps.htm
Isohyet Map


Given a certain area, a isotach map shows winds speeds within that area. The distance of the lines between one another depicts the speed of the winds. The closer the lines are together the faster the wind speeds are. For example, within this map you can see the lines toward the north of the map are much closer together than those in the south, this in other words indicating higher wind speeds in the north.

This LIDAR map represents a three dimensional view of lidar-based topography in 2007 as well as on September 8th 2008 if you click on the link to see it change. The blue areas represent elevations below mean high water; lower elevations are shown by brown and higher levels are represented by greens and reds. A LIDAR system works on the basis of radar and this is also displayed within this map.
Doppler Radar

Black and White Aerial Photo

Black and white aerial photo's are very similar to that of infrared but are meant to show more specific surface features. Within a black and white photo the details are really able to pop out, more so than with color and through this photo of this city you can really get a sense of that. You can see specific deatil of road ways, houses and land ownership.
Infrared Aerial Photo

This color infrared aerial photo is of a portion of Willapa Bay in Washington. The green portions are showing a vegetation layer with the red outlines representing oyster agtriculture areas. This infrared aerial photograph gives the ability to show the effects of aquaculture and pest control strategies. http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/AR/archive/may08/oyster0508.htm
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Cartographic Animation Map

This map explains seasonal temperature variations in terms of latitudinal and seasonal variations within the surface energy balance. The reason these are called animation maps is because when they are in motion they are able to tell certain things such as types of weather patterns. This map is able to show seasonal weather patterns throughout different times of the year.
Statistical Map

The main point of a statistical map is to explain exactly that...STATISTICS! Within this very map you are able to see the statistics of adult obesity within each state of the U.S. in a three year average from 2007-2009. It shows the state with the lowest obesity rate being Colorado at 16.9% and the state with the highest obesity rate being Mississippi at 29.5%. The correspondance of the percentages are slightly different from this map to the one within the posted url, I am not exactly sure as to why but I am sorry for any confusion.

Flow Map

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Isoline Map
Proportional Circle Map

A Proportional Circle map judges number amounts based on the "proportion" of the circle within the area. For example within this map the larger the blue dot the more walmart's there are within that specific state. Judging by this map the most amount of wamarts are in texas with over one hundred and the least amount of walmarts is in vermont with about five.
Choropleth Map

Dot Distribution Map

A dot distribution map is used to show populations within a certain given area.
This picture of a dot distribution map shows the population of each state in both 1990 and 1996. The blue half of the dots are representing the 1990 population and the red half is representing the 1996 population. It is clear that the larger the dot the greater the population within that state as well. California, Texas, and Florida are showig the biggest dots and this corresponds well with the amount of people these states have. As well as with the smaller states such as Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Vermont, their dots are smaller than everyone elses. http://hosting.soonet.ca/eliris/remotesensing/bl130lec7.htmlPropaganda Map

Hypsometric Map


A PLSS Map is that included in the Public Land Survey System. Within the US they use this asa a way of subdividing and describing land. Another name used by the US for PLSS are rectangular survey systems. This map makes it very clear to see the different numbered sections showing which land parts belong to which section. This PLSS map is nice because the cartographers made it easy to read as well as understand.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Cadastral Map

Thematic Map

The color depictions given within this thematic map how the median ages in the year 2000 within each state. This is one of my favorite maps because they are very easy to read and also for a cartographers it is easy for your point to be made. This thematic map in perticualar is able to show census data in a graph formation. Even though you can only partially see it at the bottom of the map, Florida is the darkest green color indicating that we in 2000 had one of the highest populations on the east coast.